My Stock Report Card for Mar, Apr 2015

My Stock Report Card for Mar, Apr 2015

My SG Stock Portfolio - 5 May 2015My US Stock Portfolio - 5 May 2015

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Apr 2015 : SGD $4,856.84.

Income distribution this month came from Bank of America, Aimsamp Cap Reit, HPH Trust and M1.

I added small positions in Alibaba and Keppel Corp due to their recent fall in prices. I also received payback from Keppel Land ($27,156) who has gone private through the Keppel Corp acquisition program. Apple reported smashing results while Twitter took a plunge due to it’s underperformance earnings and glitch announcements. Sabana results and projected performance is once again a disappointment. Curious to see Alibaba’s results this week :-).

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Ah John,
      No. I haven’t been adding much positions over the past 2 year. I buy only if I find something interesting.

  1. Notice almost all eggs in one basket – M1.
    Now that it is as high as it likely will get and with 4th Telco coming, perhaps consider to take profit on some of the portfolio (say, 25%) and create war chest for other more up and coming investments (when timing is better)?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi ABC,
      Thanks for the advice. Am monitoring the implications of a 4th telco. At this point in time, I do not see the need to divest yet.

  2. Thanks for sharing.

    Could you share with me what software do you use for your report card?

  3. Doppp

    Such a robust portfolio. I’m starting out on my journey and very nervous/scared but excited at the same time. Still learning and thanks for sharing, it’s very inspirational. 🙂

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Doppp,
      Glad you found inspiration from my blog. Start small and learn from mistakes. Once you get a hang of the patterns, it will not be that difficult or scary anymore. Good luck on your investment journey and keep me posted on your progress :).

  4. Ninja


    can i know what program did you use to collect the stocks data..? thanks.

  5. Can you share your view why you choose Apple and Facebook ?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Cory,
      I picked up Apple when they launch the iPhone. I saw that they were trying to disrupt the telecom scene with their iPhone which I think they did beautifully. Owning apple has been a roller coaster ride, esp during the transition of leadership from Steve Job to Tim Cook. Tim Cook seemed to have delivered. Moving forward, I hope to see Apple make it’s mark in the Automotive, IOT space with their wearables, tablets and development kits. As for Facebook, I picked Facebook when they first IPO. It was also a roller coaster ride owning FB. They started with questionable revenue streams but alot of subscribers. I think Zuckerberg has done a fabulous job with some of his acquisitions (whatsapp, instagram) and advertising strategy. Now FB is challenging Google big time in the advertising revenue streams and they are also working on a couple of very interesting initiatives (, drones etc) that could potentially further disrupt the telecom / internet scene. To summarize, I invest in these tech stocks because I see that these companies are going to be potential growth stocks challenging the traditional businesses. I am however watching their execution very closely. Hope this clarifies.

      BTW, this article may interest you

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