These are the financial blogs which I follow frequently :

A picture is worth a thousand words. This blog brilliantly captures how one should think about building up smart passive cash flow.  Smart Passive Cash Flow

I love the Dividend Stock Tracker on this blog. Investment Moats

My kindergarden teacher for REITS.  A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor

A young chap whom I wish I had his portfolio at his age.  Dividend Warrior

Always trigger the “AHA” effect on me.  My 15 Hour Work Week

Great site to meet financial bloggers.  The Finance

This blogger shares interesting charts & analysis.  My Stock Investing Journey

Where all the rockstar financial bloggers meet Rockstar Finance Directory.

Friendly bloggers who dropped by to say “hello” :


Singaporean Talks Money.


Financial Horse.

SG Wealth Builder.

Forever Financial Freedom.

SG Young Investment.

Wealth Journey.

Midas Investments.

Get Rich Diva.

Small Time Investor.

Epsilon Luxe.

Singapore IPOs.

Financial Freedom Seeker.

My Investment Journey.

Financial Independence.



Invest Openly.


Lizardo Realm.

Got Money, Got Honey.

Passive Dividend Investor.

The Independent Abecedarian.

Paul Low Investment Journey.

Relationship Matters.

My Creative Investment.

Teenage Investing.

Make Munny Grow Munny.

Turtle Investor.

Money Digest.



Cory Logics.

A peek into an oddball teen's mind.

Reminiscences of a Retail Trader.

Yaruzi's Learn 2 Live.

Singapore Stocks Investing .

Eimi Group.

My Route to Financial Freedom.

My Money and Me.

The Bf Gf Money Blog.

What's Behind The Numbers.

SG Trader 92.

Singapore Stock Trading.

Dream Chaser.



Heartland Boy.

Of Bulls and Bears.

Joyful Dividends.

The sleepydevil's adventure.

Resource Sites I visit :

Reits Week.

Singapore Investment Bloggers.

  1. Clarence

    Hi Lady,

    I just noticed your blog a few days back and your portfolio looks great. However it would be nice if you could share with us how did you build a $1M portfolio in less than a decade. That could guide newbie investors like myself to attain something like yours?


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Clarence,
      I thought I am sharing already :). I didn’t plan / strategize to build a $1M portfolio rather I was planning to build a dividend portfolio. The key is patience, buy low, buy safe and watch a lot of CNBC :-p. Hope this helps.

  2. Hi, nice to know you have taken the first step and initiative to create a blog and document / track your investment journey & process.

    Wishing you all the best and looking forward to your sharing. 🙂

    Warm regards,

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Elvin,
      Thanks for the kind wishes. You have interesting charts on your blog, something that is still very greek to me. Looking forward to pick up some charting analysis & knowledge through your blog !

  3. very impressive portfolio
    mainly blue chips
    it really take lots of effort to reach this size 🙂

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Jimmy,
      Wow…I just checked out your blog. You had 20 lots of starhub at 0.88 !!!! Should have kept it….What a pity!


    You really light up my passion to become like you! I will work harder and reach the start faster!! IDOL!


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi jfree87,
      Ganbatte !! Keep me posted on your progress !! 🙂

  5. Kyith

    Hey, thanks for the heads up. Just so you and your readers know, recently some reits results announcement so i am updating my data for those dividend investors.

    hope you have a good day.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Thank you Kyith, so sweet of you 🙂

  6. Hmm… would there be a property investment blog that is exciting? Seems like every blog is about stock market?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Cheekykoon,
      No need property investment blog. It’s all over the newspaper and news everyday. Already very sexy and exciting :). Just kidding.

  7. josephine

    Hi interesting to read your journey. It also inspired me to start investing. But I am not experienced with investing. I would like to know how much estimated to start off with from your first time experience.

  8. I’ve been reading your blog and as someone who is relatively new to trading and investing, I found your materials useful! I just started a blog and I hope you could drop by and check it out!

    It would be nice if we could connect our sites too.

    My blog:


  9. Dear sister I’m 4 years your junior and very much like catch up and follow yr style. Is it possible for me to contact via email privately. I’m local

  10. Hi ladyyoucanbefree,

    Nice blog you have on dividends stocks. So much to learn from you. I am into precious metal and bitcoin trading so I am blogging at Would be nice if we could connect?

  11. Frowns88

    Hi Ladyyoucanbefree,

    I have been reading your blog for a while and you have been one of the few inspiring bloggers.

    Being a new investor, I started investing as well as blogging at the age of 28. Hope to reap the same returns as you did in a decade’s time. Hoping it is not too late as well!

    I have followed you in my blog and it would be great if we can connect our blog sites.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Frowns88,
      Welcome to the financial bloggers community. Definitely happy to connect.

  12. Zhaoyan

    Hi lady,

    I am Zhaoyan, and I am from PolicyPal, an app that helps users manage their insurance policies all in one place.

    I have read your website and felt that you have a heart in helping fellow Singaporeans in learning more about personal finance and insurance.

    It is this reason that I reached out to you. We in PolicyPal feel that our app will definitely help Singaporeans manage their insurance better. I would like you to try out our app, and let us know how you find it.

    If you find our app good, it would be even better if you do a review and let your avid readers know about our app.

    Thank you so much and I really hope you can try out our app and leave a review, thank you!

    Here are the links:,


  13. Very interesting to come across a Lady investor who is so successful keep it up and continue blogging rapidly

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Aji,
      Thanks for the encouragement ! Wish you success in your own investment journey.

  14. Leo HL

    Hi lady,

    I just found your website, but somehow i feel quite inspired by reading your intro and journey. I guess ladies are relatively less inclined to invest as compared to males.

    Have been studying investing for about 4 years (oh gosh, when will the market crash?), wouldn’t say that I am incredible at it, but definitely quite a kiasu investor.

    I do want to replicate your journey and although I know that it would simply be a matter of time, it is still inspiring to read your story. Hope to learn more from you.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Leo,
      Thanks for the kind words ! I am sure it’s a matter of time you will achieve your investment targets. Jiayou and keep me posted on your progress!

  15. Dear Lady,

    I have just started my own blog to pen down my investment learning experience and hope to share with broader audiences especially those in Singapore.

    I am just wondering if you are able to add my personal investment blog onto your list as well. Details below. Many thanks.

    Blog Name: My True Freedom Diary


    Category: Investment

    Description: A personal blog that keeps journal of my learning experience in the investment journey. Hope it helps you while I am embarking on my journey.

  16. Hey lady,

    Love your impressive journey. It takes a lot of effort to build a $1M portfolio in less than a decade. By the way, I’m also starting a personal finance blog to document my journey. It would be great if you can add my blog onto the list as I believe it will be helpful for your audience.

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