Hi there!

I’m a single lady who aspires to achieve financial freedom. I graduated from university with a salary of only SGD 2,200 per month and started this financial freedom project in 2005 when my career came to a transition. Being the sole breadwinner for a family of 4, I needed desperately to figure out how long I can survive without a job with my pathetic savings. While sorting out my finances, I came across my Central Depository statements and realized that passive incomes can be generated through dividends.

7 years after I started my project in 2005 with a 112K SGD budget, I managed to make my 1st million in 2012 with a yearly dividend income of SGD 51K SGD. During this journey, the world has been chaotic, we had Lehman Brothers Collapse in 2008 and Euro Crisis in 2009.

Moving forward, I am starting my retirement planning project where I seek to achieve passive incomes that exceed my current employment. I am also on a hunt to look for alternative sources of passive incomes.

The purpose of this blog is to document this journey, share my learnings and cross check whether my formula could survive the test of times. When I reach my silver years, will I be working at McDonalds, cleaning the plates in food court, selling tissue papers or enjoying the passive incomes that I have come to discover. Stay Tuned !


Lady, you can be free 😉

Contact me at me@ladyyoucanbefree.com


Learn more about me via some of the interviews I’ve done

How a Singaporean grew $112K to $1 Million in 7 Years.

Interview With The Owner Of Lady You Can Be Free Blog.


  1. Hi Lady you can be free,

    insipiring blog and I like it. one question however, when you say total employment on each post, does it mean your annual salary for each year or cumulative salary from all your employment? cheers.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      HI J,
      Glad you enjoyed the blog. Total employment is my annual salary for the year. Not cumulative.

  2. hi there, i am a female investor (starting again) as well and v inspired by you! how did you manage to do it? hope you can add me!

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi gagmewithaspoon,
      Always happy to meet another lady interested in investing ;). Have added you ! Looking forward to learn from you !

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Walter,
      Thanks for connecting. We don’t have anything exclusive for ladies here. :-). I add blogger’s URL in my “Financial Blogs I Follow” column. So if you drop me the url of your blog, I will be happy to add you in.

  3. Hi Lady,

    I chanced upon your blog with someone sharing on my facebook. It’s really impressive to see you managed to do a 6digits = 7digit in 7years! =D If everyone is like you, with the right mentality to do saving and then investing, I’m sure Singapore will be a better place, with less problems of retirements, less debts ratio etc… 🙂

    I myself is a lady and I love investing. However you are way better than me! *kudos*

    I read about how you intend to increase your passive income portfolio to be higher than your employment income – that’s so encouraging to see your fighting spirit! How has your findings been so far? =)

    Perhaps we could connect further as I may have something you might be interested in that is related to shares.

    Cheers, Su

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Su,
      Thanks for connecting :). Yes, I wished we were taught financial literacy in school. Then Singapore will probably have a higher happiness index. My search for passive income is still ongoing. You can check out my findings and learnings through my blog. So drop by often :).

      For private sharing, you can drop me a mail at me@ladyyoucanbefree.com. Alternatively, you can add me at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lady-You-Can-Be-Free/339841642819954 and we can send messages with one another. Hope to hear from you soon and learn from you ! 🙂

  4. Stephen Chew

    I am keen to pick up investment skills from you too. I have just started investing last year but lost abit in REITs. I really want to drive up my passive income and learn from you. What do i need to do to learn the skills like you?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Stephen,

      What works for me is through lots of reading and being curious. One place you can start is http://thefinance.sg. Another place is the bookshops or library, there are tonnes of investment books out there. What is important is that you find a investment model that resonates with your personality and risk profile. Hope this helps.

  5. Big Sis , can do me a small favor? add me into the list of blogs you follow? mine isn’t exactly a financial blog per se , but it might be helpful for your younger readers 🙂


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi TAN,
      Thanks for the encouragement. It gives me motivation to continue sharing :).

  6. Edmund Wong

    Hi Lady, Can you give me some advice on how to start investing a similar 112k pot of money in today’s context? I am open to both SG and US stocks. Just needed guidance on how should I deploy 112k. For example, if we turn back the clock and you are at the start of the journey in today’s context where STI is 33xx and DOW is 17600, how would you deploy the 112k? Thank you for your advice in advance. =)

    Best regards,

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Edmund,
      I feel that you need to first understand what you are trying to achieve. Then understand the kind of risk profile you can take before you decide on a investment strategy / model that suits your profile.

      Here’s a high level guide :
      You may want to first set a financial goal for yourself (long term and short term). Analyse your current net worth and your spending habits. Determine your investment risk profile. Start reading a couple of investment books e.g. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, Any books that documents different style of investment etc.. (e.g. warren buffett, andrew hallam). Check out the financial blogs available in Singapore http://thefinance.sg. Watch CNBC to get into the vibes of the market and jargons but please take a pinch of salt when they ask u to buy or sell something. Find an investment model that resonates with you most before you proceed to set up a trading account. Then set up a small sum “investment tuition” fund to learn the market. This fund should be money you are prepared to lose to learn the market. Then you are ready to start . To start a trading account, you need to choose a broker and check out this site who has done a comparison https://weinvest.net/blog/comparision-stock-brokerages-singapore/. But please please please don’t start trading until you are sure what you are getting yourself into. Hope this helps.

      • Edmund

        Hi Lady, Thank you for your advice. I have read quite a lot of investment books and tried all kinds of trading techniques on FX, Equities, Options etc. These days I’m so busy with work that I have kind of forgotten that I still got to grow my money base due to inflations etc. I guess I am lost in my investment planning again especially staring at these market high around the world where else can I invest in that makes sense in the medium to long term? The stock prices are no longer attractive in SG and US markets to me. Such a dilemma…

        • Lady, You Can Be Free

          Hi Edmund,
          There are basically two types of people playing the market – the traders and the investors. Ask yourself which one are you.
          If you are an investor, you probably don’t need to keep going in and out of the market nor monitor it that closely if you believed what you invest is good business. True, prices are on the high side right now. But there are still some bargains here and there if you look deeper for them. Else, wait for the next crash then buy 😉

  7. Edmund

    Hi Lady, I am abit of both and you are right that I should not have gone in and out of the market if I wear the investor hat long enough. Talking about bargains, would you consider UK Banks – Standard Chartered and HSBC cheap at these levels? Thanks for your perspective.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Edmund,
      I am not familiar with UK Banks. Sorry.

  8. Jason

    Hi Lady,

    Just want to ask for your advice. I’m a newbie to investing/trading. My goal is to have a passive income. Is there a class/training you can recommend to get started on this? What broker do you recommend? As a working professional, do you recommend to be a trader or investor? As I understand, investor is more of a buy/hold long term. While trader earns through buying and selling in the short term.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Jason,

      Here’s a guide to get started :
      You may want to first set a financial goal for yourself (long term and short term). Analyse your current net worth and your spending habits. Determine your investment risk profile. Start reading a couple of investment books e.g. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, Any books that documents different style of investment etc.. (e.g. warren buffett, andrew hallam). Check out the financial blogs available in Singapore http://thefinance.sg. Watch CNBC to get into the vibes of the market and jargons but please take a pinch of salt when they ask u to buy or sell something. Find an investment model that resonates with you most before you proceed to set up a trading account. Then set up a small sum “investment tuition” fund to learn the market. This fund should be money you are prepared to lose to learn the market. Then you are ready to start . To start a trading account, you need to choose a broker and check out this site who has done a comparison https://weinvest.net/blog/comparision-stock-brokerages-singapore/. But please please please don’t start trading until you are sure what you are getting yourself into. Hope this helps.

      With regards to your question about whether you should be a trader or investor. I don’t have the answers for you.
      You may need to find the answers yourself after going through the guide that I shared above. Good luck 🙂

      One more thing. You may also want to check this out http://investcarnival.com

  9. Hi Lady,

    I like your blog. If you’re fine, I would like to add your blog link to my blog roll.
    My blog is at yaruzi.blogspot.sg.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Thanks Yaruzi.
      I will also add you to my list as well. Looking forward to your sharing of index investing :).

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi bubble,

      Thanks for connecting. I add blogger’s URL in my “Financial Blogs I Follow” column. So if you drop me the url of your blog, I will be happy to add you in.

  10. Untimately what’s suit u when growing ur money? If everyone has this mindset, then probably sg pool or can slowly closed down..Lol.. Many aspire to be warren buffet but yet want to see cash immediately. That’s why casino is open 365 days for them lol…. Greed will always try to dominate the will to succeed in investment journey.

    Yes I agree with ladyucanbfree that long term financial planning is about retirement planning for passive income when u really dun need to exchange time for cash.

    Connecting with the right group of investment clicks in your network is very important. They inspire and remind us constantly to build and achieve a solid portfolio. Cash is King as many have known. In sg, The rich always get richer but the poor gets poorer. We are here to help the poor or middle income earner to find the right tools and develop a system to become richer and not the other way round.

    As long as we studied carefully and apply correctly with disclipine be it in short term trading or long term investment, we are on the right track to achieve financial freedom . Investment journey just like the same in productivity “Keeping learning and practice makes prefect no other way” otherwise we keep giving financial planners business then u find ur money not growing or very slow.

    Save to invest first and not to spend if not u need to spend those u need. Just for sharing. Happy lovely day to all… Happy new year!

  11. Hi Lady,

    Had a wonderful read when a friend shared your blog on FB. Still learning and reading while trying to work my way up the passive income ladder. I like how you are sharing your portfolio and helping the others to reach higher in their passive income or becoming an investor. I too enjoy investing and help others to achieve what they could not. Especially for those that are working their way upwards from the financial red line.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you!


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Kel,
      Thanks for your kind note. I am still learning and I hope by documenting my journey, my readers will be able to identify patterns and leverage it for their own financial planning / awareness. I look forward to you sharing your learnings as well.

  12. w.chen

    I always wanted to start investment but I do not know how to start? may I know which broker are you using?

  13. Hello!
    I am very inspired by you! Therefore would like to ask you some question about investing as i have only just start reading and gaining some knowledge in investing.
    How much would you recommend me to save up before investing?
    Hope you would answer to this.
    and thank you!!

  14. Hi Adeline, thank you for sharing your experience and motivate fellow Singaporeans who are from low to middle class to be inspire by you! Im a banker myself and day in and out im looking at the market,helping cm to invest but not myself. U remind n inspire me that i should start looking at my own financial goals and apply the knowledge i have on myself:)

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi dk,
      Who is Adeline ? :). I am glad you found my sharing useful. Hope you fulfill your financial goal soon. Do drop by often to share your knowledge. We would loved to learn from a banker !

  15. Keith

    Hi Lady,

    I am impress with your investment. I am only a beginner with very little knowledge. Can I ask if your current portfolio is the same as you shown on the stock report.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Keith,
      What I show on my stock report are the exact portfolio I am holding on to. Hope this helps.

  16. Hi Ms L,

    Your blog is truly inspirational !

    It is absolutely amazing to see someone obtain success the way you have.

    I myself am learning how to create a substantial source of passive income. As i feel that climbing up the corporate ladder, especially in the context of Singapore, is no longer as straight forward or easy.

    Perhaps you would be to kind to give some advise on how you have managed to grow your salary from a meagre 2,200$ from graduation to where you are at now ?.


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Sugar, Spice and Everything,
      I am glad you find my blog inspiration. I am sorry I took so long to revert. This sounds like an interesting blogpost by itself. Stay tuned.

  17. Justine Tan

    Dear Lady,

    I am a fresh grad new to investing/trading and currently experimenting with paper trading. Can you provide some tips or advice in regards to keeping track on stock report card?

    I have figured out that the basic formulas to keeping the records but I’m curious about the commission fee from broker and GST. Are they included in the initial cost? And is there any online calculator your can direct me to, assuming that the broker’s commission is about 0.275%?

    Also, just a silly/lazy question, do you manually color all the profits/loss cells or is there a way to customize it as I’m wondering what the three small squares with rectangle besides the “Sell” are. And Under your “Last” column, what does the cells in black (i.e. as Green is buy and Red is sold) represents.

    Lastly, any explanation on whether trading is taxable? I have read somewhere that it’s not, but I would like to be sure.

    Many thanks in advance!

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Justine, There is a difference between trading and investing.http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/difference-investing-trading.asp. The nice profit loss summary reports that I post for US and SG markets are my investment portfolio not trading reports, they are just a screenshot of my broker online platform. The commissions are added to the stock when a buy/sell transaction is added into the portfolio management system. As for trading, they offer me a daily report of the transactions I made. I don’t usually bother about the commissions as at the end of the day when I close the trade, most systems would automatically calculate the profit and commissions incurred. If you are paper trading, you will probably using some broker? When you make a transaction, they should calculate the commissions automatically for you. Don’t think you need to use any calculator. Based on what I know, trading is not taxable. Dividends in US is taxable though. Hope this helps.

  18. zacky

    hey, wondering how do you make it to 1 million sgd? would you like to share us some advices?

    also, recently starhub price is dropping as it is make up 68% of your portfolio, do you think it’s a good buying opportunity?


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Zacky,
      Starhub has not demonstrated a good roadmap nor strategy forward in view of a new telco entry and OTTs players (e.g. FB, Google) coming in to compete in their space. Thus, I would caution with this counter. AS for how I made it to 1 million, check out a mini investment guide that I’ve shared previously. https://ladyyoucanbefree.com/getting-started-with-investment/ Hope this helps.

  19. mr intrigued


    just curious, your statement of having grown 112k to 1mil, includes additional capital injection into your investments along the way throughout the 7 years correct? the 1mil did not come about purely from stock gains and dividends?

    if so, how much additional funds on top of the 112k do you estimate to have invested in that 7 years?


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Mr Intrigued, this is correct. My blog is designed such that if you scroll back, you may be able to decipher how much I have invested. Hope this helps.

  20. Hi !
    I am inspired! If would be great if there is a short sharing session over coffee to perhaps know and learn about your financial journey more.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Nick,
      Thanks! Hope it’s helpful. I am still enjoying my anonymous status, would be happy to help out in any ways via this comments section, mail (me@ladyyoucanbefree.com) or fb message.

      • Hi Lady,

        Being anonymous is one of the best way to keep yourself free from the hassle and trouble. I admire your effort in helping the fellow FIRE seekers on their journey.

        Kudos to you.


        • Lady, You Can Be Free

          Hi WTK,
          Thanks for the kind words ! Hope u achieve your FIRE soon !

  21. Dear Lady,

    I just started my investment after reading your blog in July 2018. Before that I always wanted to try investment in stocks but never had the “time” to do it. Early 2018 I decided to only start “learning” around the internet/ blogs and youtube but as a super slow and stupid learner I just couldn’t pick it up…

    It was not until I stumble into your blog that I can self start using DBS vickers, almost wanted to sign up for a $5K course! Lucky I found you blog which inspire me and also had such un-objective sincere information that allow me to trade 10 stocks as of today, my avg monthly return in total portfolio is $200+ (16K portfolio)

    I wish I started early like you, as I am 47 this year and just been retrenched.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi CMCM,
      So happy to hear that you’ve managed to start your own financial journey !
      It’s never too late. I’m sure the skills you’ve learnt will give you assurance how to use money to make money and not become slaves of work.
      I wish you success in your new journey ahead – finding a new job, start a new business etc. and keep me posted on your progress !

  22. Damien

    hello! nice to know that you have been doing very well!
    im 27 years old male.
    my first aim is to create a dividend portfolio for my parents so that they can
    retire or have a choice to retire or work a simpler job as i dont want them to be
    too stress.
    is it possible to meet up with u for a cup of coffee to understand more
    and to kickstart in this project of mine.
    my parents are about 60 years old this year. and i plan to be able to make
    a dividend income in 5 years.


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Damien,
      I am enjoying my anonymous status thus would be happy to give you any form of coaching via my FB inbox. As for planning for your parents, have you checked whether your parents have max out their CPF-SA? If not, that is your no.1 action to take. Try to top up their CPF-SA to the max amount based on desired payout. https://www.areyouready.sg/YourInfoHub/Pages/News-How-Much-Will-I-Receive-in-Monthly-CPF-LIFE-Payouts.aspx. This is the safest and most secured way of ensuring that their retirement is well taken care of in a short duration of 5 years. Moving forward, if you are giving allowance to your parents, instead of passing them cash, top up their CPF-SA and let the money compounds. Encourage them to work towards the max sum in their CPF-SA to achieve the payout desired. As they are already in their 60s, would be good to go down to CPF Branch, sit down with a consultant to get them to work out the sum of shortfall and even explore the possibility pledging the property if the shortfall is too great. Hope this helps.

  23. Mathy

    I am now 55 years old with almost no savings because of too heavy financial burden. May I know how to achieve at least $2000 passive income for retirement from now.
    Is REITs is still a good product to buy as I understand there’s new regulation for this funds.

  24. Hi Lady, I am also a single lady looking to grow her own pot of gold. I had started investing some years ago but was not consistent and did not have an investing style or philosphy. I am very encouraged with your results as well as yearly passive income.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Mq,
      Thanks for the note. Really glad to meet another lady who is passionate about investing. All the best and keep me posted in your success !

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