My Stock Report Card for Aug 2014

My Stock Report Card for Aug 2014

My SG Stock Portfolio - 6 Sep 2014My US Stock Portfolio - 6 Sep 2014

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Aug 2014 : SGD $42,861.15

A fruitful month. Income distribution this month came from SMRT, Keppel Corp, M1, Singtel, Suntec Reit, Cache Log Trust, Keppel Reit, Starhub, UOB, Capitalmall Trust, Sabana Reit, Apple and Citibank.

My US portfolio is getting more and more exciting. The banking stocks are recovering and my social media sharesย are outperforming. Am looking forward to the 9th September Apple product launch ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Steve

    Hi, I love yr portfolios table. Is that from some broker account or something u created yrself?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks for dropping by. My portfolio table is from DBS Vickers.

  2. Hi,

    A very impressive portfolio you have there. Will start reading the rest of your blog and hope to learn from you. All the best!


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi David,
      Thanks for the note. Hope you picked up something interesting from my blog. Have fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hello Lady!

    Wow that is a great $5k monthly passive income! Totally awesome!
    Great to see you back posting your updates again! I have always been following your blog and just a couple months ago I started getting serious in blogging.
    Your updates monthly in the past has always been a motivation and inspiration for me and it still is now that you are back!
    Please keep it up and know that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Independent Abecedarian

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Independent Abecedarian,
      Good to hear that my blog serve as an inspiration and motivation. Your feedback gives me motivation to continue blogging. BTW, you have a nice blog ! Let’s learn from one another. Cheers ๐Ÿ˜‰

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