My Stock Report Card for Jun-Jul 2016

My Stock Report Card for Jun-Jul 2016

My SG Stock Portfolio - 20 Jul 2016   My US Stock Portfolio - 20 Jul 2016
Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Jul 2016 : SGD $ 32,914.61
Income distribution in Jun and Jul came from AimsAmpi Reit.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi My Sweet Retirement,
      Not worried. It’s part and parcel of investment. You win some, you lose some.

  1. Music Makes Me

    Hey Lady,
    Thanks for sharing your results. You are still someone I aspire to be! Do you mind sharing whats the app you use to track your investments as screen-capped above? Is it excel or a platform from your brokerage firm?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Music Makes Me,

      Thanks for your kind words. The screen capture is my brokerage firm’s stock trading platform – DBS Vickers that I use to track my investment.I’ve also written a little guide to investmentGetting Started. Have fun !!


  2. Hi, how do I subscribe to your blog, for auto-receipt of your articles posted? Looked everywhere but couldn’t find the subscription option. Thanks.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Anon,
      Unfortunately, I do not have a subscription option. If you would like to get an alert for my articles, Facebook or Twitter could be a better option.I also tend to share other articles on Facebook as well which I may not post on the blog page. You can subscribe to Facebook or Twitter at the top right hand corner below my banner. Hope this helps.

  3. Hi, the broker’s page not include dividend, that’s bias when evaluate the performance by stock.

  4. Agreed. Including the dividends into your Profit/Loss will show the real returns of your portfolio.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Mike,
      It has been serving me well for many years. It used to increase dividend YOY. Now, it may not perform as well as the good old days and there are more uncertainties moving forward but still working well for me at this point.

  5. Adrian

    Apart from investing question.Are you single? married with children? I am single too.

  6. How much do you need to invest in order to gets substantial amount of dividends?

    How much should one start with?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Jo,
      You don’t have to start with alot. For example, in SGX, you can buy 100 shares and start getting dividends already. It really depends on the company you invest in and the dividend % they distribute.Note however, don’t just go for high dividends %, you may end up losing more in your capital investment, than the dividends you collect. Hope this helps.

      • Thanks for the advice! Just curious, how much capital did you use when you first started?

        Do you buy on a monthly basis or yearly?

        Is it too late to start investing now that prices have gone up?

        • Lady, You Can Be Free

          Hi Jo,
          I started with 100K SGD. I don’t have a schedule when it comes to buying. I buy when I think a stock is worth owning. In terms of whether it’s too late to invest now that prices have gone up, I don’t think so. There are still some bargains around. It really depends on which stock and sector you are looking at.

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