My Stock Report Card for Dec 2016

My Stock Report Card for Dec 2016
US Stock - 18 Jan 2017SG Stock - 18 Jan 2017
Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Dec 2016 : SGD $ 62,205.

Income distribution in Dec came from Aimsamp Cap Reit, SPH. I sold off SPH as I think they might be too late in their transformation exercise and added some Facebook.

Happy New Year :-). What a year, 2016 ! For the first time, the Singapore market performed badly while the US market hits all time high. As you might have noticed, in the past few years, I slowed down on the accumulation of dividend stocks in Singapore and started to look for growth stocks in the US market for purpose of diversifying my portfolio. I am relieved that the dividend revenue managed to increase as I was expecting a drop due to the privatization of Keppel Land and the poor performance of the Singapore market.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi My Sweet Retirement,
      Definitely expensive now that the market has moved up so much. May be time for some profit taking.

  1. Wow, you are so inspiring!!! Your vested amount in shares is almost like 2million! Ok, you are my inspiration. I am a FTWM and it is really really difficult though. Could I ask – why are there two Google shares when i try to check it out on yahoo finance? If i have USD, is there anyway to use the USD directly to buy shares or do i still need to pay in SGD and have it converted by the broker?

    Thanks so much for your advice!

  2. Frowns88

    Hi Lady/fellow Singtel investor,

    Quite surprised that you are holding a small qty of Singtel in Singapore market.
    Did you divested some and any reasons why? I mean they are like one of the great pillars in Sg. haha.
    In fact, I have only recently invested in them.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Frowns88,
      I used to own some Singtel lots. What you are seeing are the odd lots that I can’t sell through my broker unless I call them.
      Reason for divesting is due to profit taking. Good that you have invested in them, good keep though watch out for the disruption in the telecom industry esp from the OTTs.

  3. Julie Loke

    Hi Lady,
    I can see you have more than 50% of your portfolio in Starhub. In recent months, Starhub stock price came down > 20%… but the dividends remains approx 6%..
    1. Do you think Starhub can sustain this dividend payout moving forward?
    2. Do you think 6% dividends eg Starhub is one of the best for SG stocks?

    SingTel is at least 20% more expensive than Starhub and now the gap is even bigger and the dividends are lower than Starhub.. for a newbie like me, it does not make sense to buy SingTel…
    3. Please share if you think othetwise.

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