My Stock Report Card for Dec 2015

My Stock Report Card for Dec 2015

My SG Stock Portfolio - 26 Dec 2015 My US Stock Portfolio - 26 Dec 2015

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Dec 2015 : SGD $ 60,349.15

Income distribution in Dec came from AimsAmpCap Reit, SPH and IBM.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Createwealth8888,
      Thanks. Still learning..

  1. Ah John

    Suggest to sell Twitter, buy more into IBM or Microsoft. Also consider to reduce Apple.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Ah John,
      Twitter is a thorn in my portfolio just like Sabana. Am definitely thinking of adding more IBM but think I have missed the boat for Microsoft. As for apple, it is still the apple of my eye :).

  2. roland

    Wow! You’ve got a good passive income going on there! Well done!
    I also notice that you are very heavy on Star Hub. almost 50% of your portfolio value is there. I think, it may be time to think about spreading that out. Because come next year (which is very soon) there will be a 4th telco PLUS netflix coming to Singapore. So business for 3 existing telco will be tough. the smallest one (M1) will get hit the most and next is Star HUb. Singtel will be more immune because they have expanded quite a bit overseas.
    Just to let you know that I also have star hub as my biggest passive income counter. But % is not as high as yours!

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Roland,
      Thanks for the warning. Agree that Starhub is facing more challenges moving ahead and is not growing like last time.
      U think Netflix is going to fly in Singapore ?

  3. Hi,

    It may not be easy to see if your portfolio is performing in accordance to your expected or target returns just by looking at the absolute returns. Just wondering if you have ever computed the IRR for your portfolio taking into consideration dividends payout, reinvestment, fresh capital injection? What would your portfolio returns be like if you factor in all those over your investment time frame till date?


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Zng,
      My blog is created in a timeline mode. All the info that you have mentioned are listed till date.

  4. Pingback: Five Bloggers Collecting > S$10,000 of Dividends Yearly – Retirement Noob

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