My Stock Report Card for May 2015

My Stock Report Card for May 2015

My SGX Stock Portfolio - 29 May 2015MY US Stock Portfolio - 29 May 2015

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – May 2015 : SGD $17,591.10.

Income distribution this month came from Sabana Reit, Capitamall, Keppel Reit, Suntec Reit, SPH, Starhub, UOB, SGX, Keppel Corp.


  1. Hi lady, i realised that your portfoilo doesnt have sti-etf. That means when you first started out with investing, you started to buy stocks straightaway?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi P,
      Yes, I started out with stocks straightaway.

  2. Thank you for your sharing!! I am an amateur. Like to learn from you. What reading material, website or ??? did you start with when u started learning about shopping for stocks? also would u be likely to share what stocks u would be going into next? 🙂

  3. Such an amazing achievement! Really….u have given me hope….Thanks so much!

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