My Stock Report Card for Feb 2015

My Stock Report Card for Feb 2015
My SG Stock Portfolio - 9 Mar 2015My US Stock Portfolio - 9 Mar 2015
Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Feb 2015 : SGD $3,125.85

Income distribution this month came from SGX, Suntec Reit, Cache Log Trust, Capitamall Trust, Keppel Reit, Sabana Reit, Apple, Citibank. Sold Cache Log Trust.

Am staring at a paper gain of 645,260.553 SGD for my portfolio (Having butterflies in my stomach :-/). Apple is launching Apple watch today. Keeping fingers crossed 🙂

  1. Jimmy l

    Any reason why cache was liquidated?
    Any idea what you gonna do with the large pile of cash? Hehe

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Jimmy, my cash out of cache log is only a very small amount not 600K. I realized my post maybe a little misleading. Sorry about that. As for why I liquidated it, I feel that I didn’t get it at an attractive price that could last me thru the ups and downs. I will also be more selective in terms of the REITS that I will invest moving forward after 2 years of learning the REITS market. I am still a baby when it comes to REITS investment. 🙂

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Createwealth8888,
      Thought your advise has always been to leave the butterflies alone ? Hmmm…Have I been interpreting your articles incorrectly ? 🙂

  2. tadpole


    I noticed that in your stock report your gain is calculated based on buy price and market price.

    May I check with you do you take into consideration of your transaction cost?
    Or u considered it as insignificant?

    and may I have your opinion for using Standchart as brokerage acc (for the reason of low transaction cost) instead of POEMS and otrs?

    My overall concern is on how should I better manage my portfolio.


    ~ Newbie

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Tadpole,
      My buy price already factors in the transaction cost. I haven’t compared across all brokerage. For me, DBS works for me as I have very little time to handle settlement thus the way they link between the brokerage and bank works for me. I’ve seen some brokerage houses that offers very good analytic tools and transaction fee. This post may help you make better decisions on which one to go for Hope this helps.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Money Honey,
      I don’t believe in lending money to friends or relatives at all. If it is an urgent medical case, that is a different story.

  3. poor boi

    hi lady, would it be possible to explain the reasons you bought each stock? how u analyse, based on what critierias, FA, TA, etc.

  4. Woo hoo! Nearly 650k of paper gains! Huat ah! Good start to the goat year!

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi pib,
      It’s only paper gain. I hope my strategy is correct. Keep fingers crossed.

  5. Maybe its time to quit your job, travel and do what you want! 😉

  6. Hi, how do you keep track of your dividend payout? Do you keep track manually or is there a special software for that?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Xin,
      You will get a monthly statement from CDP if you own Singapore shares and the dividend distribution will be there. If you buy overseas shares, your broker will send you a monthly statement.

  7. Your stock card report print screen is using app? If yes what app is it?

  8. Hi, what are the reit you can recommend me to invest for long term for its yield. Is it safe to invest in keppel reit at its current share price .seek ur advice .thanks

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