My Stock Report Card for Nov 2014

My Stock Report Card for Nov 2014

My SG Stock Portfolio - 29 Nov 2014

My US Stock Portfolio - 29 Nov 2014

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – Nov 2014 : SGD $57,070.68.

Income distribution this month came from SGX, Keppel Reit, SMRT, Suntec Reit, Cache, Capitalmall Trust, Starhub, Sabana Reit, Apple, Citigroup.

No transaction this month. Sabana Reit looks terrible and Twitter has been downgraded to Junk. Alibaba is my new darling ;-p.

  1. Jackeline

    Hi just wonder how you buy the stock? U brought it yourself via internet or from broker?

  2. Marcus

    Since sabana is smashed, you reckon its good to buy it now in hopes of it going up ?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Marcus,
      I think there are better reits out there than Sabana to buy :).

  3. Hi, do you use Technical Analysis or Fundamental Analysis to select their stocks? Can you share your strategies? Do you just buy during pull back and hold? When do you cut their losses? Also Starhub and Apple accounts for a huge portion of the portfolio. Any reasons?

  4. Daron

    Hi Im new on the site. Quite impressed by the the website banner that says 112k to 1M in 7 years AND annual div income of 51K.

    That is an impressive annualised growth of 36.71% and i presume you reinvest most, if not all of your dividends. Compared to say the STI ETF you are doing tremendously well 🙂

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Daron,
      Thanks ;). I am still learning by the day.

  5. Melanie Lee

    Hi, thks for yr articles and private sharing. I hv learnt a lot from you. I am very much an investment novice – how do you get started buying US stocks? Thru a local broker? Do you hv to buy 1 lot (1000 shares) or can we buy less than that to start off?

    Appreciate yr advice about starting consistently. I hope to one day reach your position. Thank you.

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