Personal Financial Investment Seminar, Jan 15 2015

There is an interesting financial workshop happening on 17th January 2015 next year. Roland, the organizer has taken the toll to connect with many bloggers inviting them to speak at this seminar. After 3 months of planning, he managed to secure 5 interesting bloggers, thus

  • If you are now setting your goals for 2015.
  • If you are looking for a little inspiration in financial planning and investment.
  • If you are looking to connect with like-minded people who are passionate about financial planning and investment.
  • If you are looking to catch a glimpse of these bloggers in flesh and blood.
  • If you are looking to listen instead of read what these bloggers have to say.
  • If you want to hunt around for Lady, You Can Be Free in the audience. (Note. I will just be attending anonymously so if you can’t find me, don’t blame me. There will be no refund. :-p).

Sign up for this seminar at (Sorry, this event is already SOLD OUT). Roland has generously granted a 50% discount off for a limited time (till end of nov 2014) for us if you were to use the following discount code “LADYFRIEND”.

Cya ! ;-p

Note : I am not being paid for this promotion, neither do I know the organizer personally and I will also be paying for my own tickets to the event.



    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Richard,
      You are booked 3 months in advance already ?! Wow ! Busy Man :-). Go la, it will be fun.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi CreateWealth8888,
      Kool ! You are going too ?! Maybe we need to ask Roland to start a masquerade / cosplay party instead. 🙂

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