My Stock Report Card for May 2014

My Stock Report Card for May 2014

My SG Stock Portfolio - 17 May 2014My US Stock Portfolio - 17 May 2014

Total Dividend Collected from Jan – May 2014 : SGD $28,155.52

No transaction this month. Haven’t been spending too much time monitoring the market. Have been busy with work and sorting out the property logistics. However, May has always been a fruitful month where most of the companies will be rewarding their shareholders. Income distribution this month came from Banyan Tree, Capitaland, Capitalmall, Cache Logistic Trust, Keppel Land, Keppel Reit, Keppel Corp, Starhub, Sabana Reit, Suntec Reit and SPH.

  1. hi i think it is admirable that you could support your family even though you are female! i look up to you because i will be entering the workforce soon and have to support my family as i am the eldest.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi f,
      Thanks. A word of advise, you shouldn’t have to support the family just because you are the eldest. Every member in the family should play a part. By empowering them with the necessary skills to be self-sufficient, then your family can jointly work towards a brighter future.

  2. Starhub stake helps alot in your dividends.I only hit half of your this year….

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      HI Cory,
      Yes. You are right. Too heavily dependent on Starhub. Their recent Q1 results doesn’t look that great. Think they need to buckle up !

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