My 2014 Passive Income Playbook – SGD 65K achievable?

Over the years, I would just randomly pick stocks that I think is interesting to buy and accumulate. The only segmentation I did then was between the US and Singapore Market. I wanted to use the Singapore shares as passive income generators & US for capital gains as there are greater movements in US shares. The US dividends incur a 30% tax, thus may not be that attractive as passive income generators.

However, in my desire to achieve more diversification, I decided to be more mindful of the sector classification & investment allocation of the stocks I own moving forward. Over the holidays, I took some effort to sort them out and created a high level plan for 2014. Is SGD 65 K passive income target for 2014 achievable?

This is the first time I am setting a high level plan in such detail, typically I only set a goal (number) to achieve. Let’s cross check by the end of this year, how well this plan gets executed / deviated.

Wish me luck ;-p


Happy New Year !!!

Check out my other 2014 Passive Income Playbook series :

My 2014 Passive Income Playbook - Diversification ?


  1. Hi Lycf

    All the best in 2014 🙂 Perhaps for other than retail reit , you could have a look at healthcare reit / stocks too 🙂


    Small-Time Investor.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Small-Time Investor,
      Thanks for the recommendation. It’s definitely in my radar 🙂

  2. heeroyuy

    Hi LYCF,

    May I know what broker are you using for your SG and US portfolio? Best of luck to your goals, I know you can do it. You seem to be a very driven person.


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi HeeroYuy,
      Thanks for the kind wishes. My broker is DBS Vickers.

  3. Hi lady,
    Hv you consider to buy a ppty for rental purpose?
    Resale flat easier give u 5-6% yield, roi can easily be 20% as u only put down 20%
    More reliable n safer.
    Unfortunately, I nd it for own stay else I will do that

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