My Retirement Planning Project 2013 – SGD 51 K per year passive income ?

Last month, I shared how I had to extend my retirement age from 42 (SGD 5K per month passive income target) to 47 (SGD 10K per month passive income target) after the shocking discovery that my expenditure per year exceeded what I initially thought I needed. Besides looking at my expenses, I also took an extra effort this year as part of the retirement planning project to scrutinize the patterns of my passive income.

Stability of Passive Income 

Having a stable & reliable stream of passive income gives me peace of mind. Thus, it is one of my key criteria/assessment when it comes to retirement planning. My Top 3 passive income this year comes from the following :

  1. Starhub 70.7% (Telecom – SG)
  2. Aimsampi 6.6% (Reit – SG)
  3. Apple 6.4% (Technology – US)


As you can see from the distribution, I am too heavily weighted on one share as highlighted by many readers. Thus, this year, I have spent considerable efforts trying to study and accumulate REITS as part of the diversification planning. I have since increased my REITS investment to 24% of my total investment portfolio.  However, I am still monitoring which REITS to really invest in for long term as I am still a little uncomfortable with some of the industrial REITS that I am currently holding on to i.e. Aimsimpi, Cache & Sabana. Let’s see …


Distribution of Passive Income

Over the years, I have developed the habits of having a constant flow of income per month. However, for the distribution of passive income, bulk of the income arrives namely in May, August and November. Thus, it may be time for me to start thinking how I should cultivate a habit of self-discipline where I learn to allocate a yearly budget for spending  and create a model where I learn to spend within a monthly budget. Maybe this involves setting up another account where I deposit/simulate a “monthly salary” in this account. Something to think about and try it out next year …


 Merry Christmas

4 more days to Christmas :-). It has been a relatively peaceful yet restless year for me. Have a Very Merry Christmas to all my readers ! Sharing with you a touching advertisement video from one of my favorite investment. Apple Misunderstood.

I am looking forward to seeing it soar next year 😉

 My Retirement Planning 2013 Series

My Retirement Planning Project 2013 - Retire by 42 ?.

My Retirement Planning Project 2013 - Property ?.



  1. Hi Lady,

    Nice update. I really admire your conviction and confidence in Starhub. I am vested in it too.

    Maybe you will like to diversify into ST Engineering, SATS or SIA Engineering. ^^

    Merry Christmas to you! 🙂


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi DW,
      Thanks to your recommendation. I have added ST Engineering to my portfolio.
      I am still trying to study SATS & SIA Engineering :).
      Merry Christmas !

  2. Hi!

    Congrats on your meticulous financial planning! I’d like to know what you have in the way of property — i.e. do you own HDB or private residence/s? Could you elaborate a little about them if you have or plan to buy any? Thanks!

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Mie,
      Wow, you read my mind ! I was planning to blog about this topic. No, I don’t own any property. Will share in detail why in my next update. Stay tuned !

  3. Your portfolio only consists of stocks? Can share what is your cash, property or gold holdings?
    Thank you so much for sharing!

    SG Wealth Builder (

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Gerald,
      90% stocks, 10% cash. I know you are going to ask me to buy gold bullion again :). Maybe you could share an article on why you think gold bullion is the way forward & how you’ve benefited from the investment. I would love to learn from you.

  4. Wow! :> You might be the 1st KNOWN Female Financial Blogger!
    Congrats! I will camp here for more updates from someone in my age group.
    Merry X’mas.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi WealthJourney,
      Thanks for dropping by :). Good to connect with fellow financial bloggers. Merry X’mas !

  5. Ah John

    Good achievement! Especially during such short time. High paid too. Working in financial industry?
    Btw, what app you use? The auto generated reports.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Ah John,
      Thanks for the compliment. I don’t work in the financial industry. The app that I use to generate the auto generated reports is iXpenseIt. You can download it from iTunes.

  6. Hi, Congrats on your journey thus far. Well done!.
    These stocks are almost all in Singapore. To be properly diversified, you might want to consider small 3-5 % of total asset allocation in regional ETFs in large / mid caps, commodities, developed and emerging economies. For the long term, I wouldn’t put in USA.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Audrey,
      Thanks for the encouragement. Any specific regional ETF in large / mid caps or commodities that you want to recommend ? Would love to learn from you.

  7. Hi Lady,

    Just checking, did you start out with $112k and made it into $1million, or you constantly investing money into the fund too?

    Wen Ge

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Wen Ge,
      Thanks for dropping by. I constantly invest money into the fund as well.

  8. Hi there, great plan and nice site 🙂 Just wondering, now that you’ve accumulate a reasonable base given your target yield, have you thought of moving at least part of the sum to a product that is less liquid but relatively stable compared to equity, like corporate bonds?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi ch,
      Glad you liked the site. So far, I am still very comfortable with equity, can sleep in peace :-p. I am not familiar with corporate bonds but I did think of exploring Index ETFs when I grow old and senile but am still not too convinced it is the right model. Will read up on bonds now that you’ve mentioned. Thanks 🙂

  9. You can consider having about 10% of your portfolio getting 20-30% stress-free yield from options like a regular dividend per year and compound it.

    So it works out to about 2-3% per month from options since you are in the US market as well.
    This is also a form of income generating strategy.

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Numbers,
      Hmmm…Options… I went to a free investment talk quite some time ago where they shared some options trading methodology while trying to sell some really expensive options training courses. The methodology sounds interesting yet complicated and time-consuming. Will revisit it when free :).

      • Probably the one you attended is more for speculators rather than investors. Those are usually high risk and high rewards scheme of things, although the invested amount can be very little or small (can also be leverage).

        The strategy I am using is straight forward, and protects the downside risk, hence the low returns, but consistent and stable ROI.
        Actually, it is simple and stress-free (as I am invested in it), not complicated and time-consuming.

        It takes less than 5min a day, and maybe 10-15min once a week or once a month to generate that 2-3% returns.

        It is all about understanding how it works. 😀

        All the best and continued prosperity in your financial journey!

  10. Pingback: The Passive Income Project |

  11. Zhijie

    Dear Lady;

    May ask for your view on the current status of stock market?
    It is a crisis in your view?

    Also may i ask for your advice on REITS?
    OUE HTrust (SGX: SK7)

    I have 3 kids and what i need is to build up my passive income.


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