About Me

I’m a single lady who aspires to achieve financial freedom. I graduated from university with a salary of only SGD 2,200 per month and started this financial freedom project in 2005 when my career came to a transition. Being the sole breadwinner for a family of 4, I needed desperately to figure out how long I can survive without a job with my pathetic savings. While sorting out my finances, I came across my Central Depository statements and realized that passive incomes can be generated through dividends.

7 years after I started my project in 2005 with a 112K SGD budget, I managed to make my 1st million in 2012 with a yearly dividend income of SGD 51K SGD. During this journey, the world has been chaotic, we had Lehman Brothers Collapse in 2008 and Euro Crisis in 2009.

Moving forward, I am starting my retirement planning project where I seek to achieve  passive incomes that exceed my current employment. I am also on a hunt to look for alternative sources of passive incomes.

The purpose of this blog is to document this journey, share my learnings and cross check whether my formula could survive the test of times. When I reach my silver years, will I be working at McDonalds, cleaning the plates in food court, selling tissue papers or enjoying the passive incomes that I have come to discover.  Stay Tuned !


Lady, you can be free 😉

Contact me at me@ladyyoucanbefree.com

  1. Hi there Lady You Can Be Free!
    I stumbled upon your blog from the Finance. Decided to drop a few lines because I am impressed and inspired by you; it is refreshing indeed to see you mapping out your finances on a timeline! You may not be interested to know this (LOL) but I am a 23 yo female who have been working for one year upon graduating… I’m looking up to you as a role model already! Keep the post coming ya, and wish you can achieve your retirement goal soon 😀

    • Admin@LadyYouCanBeFree.com

      Hi W2,
      I am glad you enjoyed my blog. Let’s learn from one another. You go girl ! 🙂

  2. aryhaven


    Were you in the government sector after graduating from university?

    Your pay is so high compared to most of us …


    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi aryhaven,
      Thanks for dropping by. I work in the private sector, have never worked in the government sector in my career history.

  3. Mathy

    I came to know about you from dr wealth blog.
    I am reaching 55 next month. But because of many financial commitment. Till now I still don’t have any savings that I can rely on for retirement.

    But I am interested to know if I invest in DCA plan with $200 monthly. Is REITS a good choice to look for? I am thinking of investing for around 10 years from now. Would that help?

    • Lady, You Can Be Free

      Hi Mathy,
      Sorry for the late reply. I took a digital break this year. Reits is a decent investment in my view. But you need to learn the skills of identifying good Reits. You might want to consider attending a course by http://www.probutterfly.com. He might be able to help you pick up some skills. However, please don’t blindly follow his calls on the stocks to buy. Cheers & hope this helps.

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