My Retirement Planning Project 2014 – SGD 1 K per month guaranteed for life with CPF Life !!!

I stumbled across Investment Moats website last week about CPF Life. Curious, I went to the CPF life calculator website to check out what it really means to a 55 year old retiree with a minimum sum of SGD 155,000 in his/her retirement account. I was surprised that with just SGD 155,000, you will be entitled to get SGD 1,096 to SGD 1,215 per month from 65 years old onwards until you die !!! Wow, this is great !

Why is this great ? Assuming you were able to withdraw this full SGD 155,000 at 55 years old. At SGD 1K per month, this sum of money can only last you 13 years if you don’t invest the money (i.e. 68 years old). With CPF life, SGD 155,000 guarantees you a payout of SGD 1K per month until you die  (According to world bank, the average life expectancy of a Singaporean is 81.89 years old in 2011) ! Isn’t that awesome !

Imagine an aging couple, both having fulfilled the minimum sum of SGD 155,000 and their HDB fully paid up. They would have a combined income of SGD 2K. Quite a decent income to retire simply. At least you do not need to resort to selling tissue papers on the street just to put bread on the table. This scheme really takes the pressure and load off the kids of aging parents. By contributing an additional allowance of a couple of hundreds or a thousand to their aging parents, their parents would be able to live a very decent and happy retirement life, even taking short trips here and there. I wished I had found this out earlier, then instead of giving allowances to my parents, I should have allocated some of these allowances as top up to their CPF account ! Not sure whether it’s too late to start now.

What about you ? Does your wife, husband and parent’s CPF fulfills the minimum sum of SGD 155,000 ? If not, encourage them to find means to top it up by getting out in the workforce. The best gift a parent could give to your kids is to ensure that you have a well planned retirement.

Source : CPF

Check out My Retirement Planning Series :

My Retirement Planning Project 2014 - My Bucket List.

My Retirement Planning Project 2014 - Hurray, My Retirement Home ?!.

My Retirement Planning Project 2013 - Property ?.

My Retirement Planning Project 2013 - SGD 51K per year passive income ?.

My Retirement Planning Project 2013 - Retire by 42 ?.

Lady, You Can Be Free

View Comments

  • What are your thoughts on the recent out cry on cpf? Seems like a lot of pple feel it is a caff idea but wondering what a financial prudent person like you would think? I am all for cpf actually but a lot of friends my age about early 30s are not.

    • Hi gagmewithaspoon,
      My thoughts about the recent outcry on CPF? I guess more education and communication is needed on the benefits of CPF.

  • Nice article and I am all for the CPF scheme and its CPF Life product.

    Even though some smart investors might be able to generate more returns than CPF Life but it is not without risks, so, I am happy for CPF Board to take over the burden of the risk and give us the risk-free returns (which is better than the interest rates in the banks).

    • Hi Richard,
      I hope we are not the minority. I guess it's a wakeup call for us to start pondering whether it's time we start introducing financial education in schools so that fresh graduates understand why CPF, CPF life and even MediShield life is going to improve their families well-being and let them understand why it's not that easy to generate a 6.5% returns without risk.

      • There are financial education in schools nowadays provided by 3rd party service providers.
        It is called Life skills and includes financial literacy, entrepreneurship, social enterprises etc.

        It is very much the attitude of the students and also the emphasis of the parents that determines if the students are to really benefit from these courses.

        Most are still living in the dinosaur age (parents and students) where too much emphasis is on academic excellence, which only gives a headstart, but not permanent income or salary.

        It is lifelong skills such as financial literacy, entrepreneurship and business acumen, which can give these students fishes for life as these can provide a means to generate income for life.

        • Hi Numbers,
          So true !!!! Academic excellence for a better career is so passé.

  • Hi LUCBF

    I think the issue here would be the whether the minimum sum would be raised again ? While i think it is a good "retirement " scheme to have , more transparency is needed too .

    • Hi Small-Time Investor,
      Thanks for sharing the insight. If it's all about minimum sum and transparency, I wonder why the campaign is about returning the cpf. It is extremely misleading to the general public. Minimum sum would definitely need to be raised again as time moves forward to keep pace with standards of living. What we need to do is to learn how to leverage on this CPF tool to ensure we grow and keep pace with the minimum sum. Also, I am not sure about transparency. If people cannot even understand why 6.5% is not a reasonable demand in terms of returns without risk and the benefits of CPF Life, then I think they would probably faint when they see the transparent statements presented to them.

  • Hi LUCBF

    There would be a sway of topics when emotions sway .

    That's where people have to calm themselves down and think rationally.

    • Hi Small-Time Investor,
      True. I pray that many more people will be calm & rational.

  • hi there, i think thanks for mentioning my article i hope its been helpful. just want to bring your attention to a perhaps misconception. i wrote in a later post

    that the way you look at it is for 155k at age 55 to grow to around 240k at age 65. the 240k provides the 13k per year. its not about withdrawing 155k at 55 years old comparison but could you do better with 240k.

  • Hi Lady I have some questions for you:
    1. Did you invest using your CPF money?
    2. Do you have fellow girlfriends who invest also? and are they supportive about your investment choices?
    I would like to invest soon but none of my female friends are interested to invest :(

    • Hi YoungLadyWhoWillInvestSoon,

      Good to hear from you. Answers to your question
      1) I used to invest my CPF money. But I have sold them recently to pay for the HDB that I recently acquired.

      2) I do have fellow girlfriends who invest but they are not avid investors. Most of my girlfriends are believers of property, FD, unit trust and they get burnt quite often in stocks. Not sure why. I typically don't ask them for advise when it comes to investment choices. They usually will tell me that the market is going to crash and that I would lose alot of money ;-). I find it more useful discussing with guys around this topic.

      BTW...if you are new to investing, don't start with CPF first unless you are confident you can get better returns than what CPF is giving you. Start with your idle money first and start small. You will probably make a couple of mistakes and soon get a hang of it depending on your risk appetite. Have fun :)

  • Newbies have not earn their right to invest CPF money.

    2.5% compounding interest is not easy to beat.

  • People who cry over the need to manage the CPF money themselves do not deserve it.
    Why. If they are so good, why do they need to tap on CPF fund ?

    People who cannot beat CPF protection and returns, clearly is best left with CPF to support their retirements. I am not going to pay more taxes to help them !

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